What's your earliest memory as a child? Mine is a recurring nightmare about Frankenstein's monster.
You see, I was about 2-3 years old. Around Halloween my dad went to a rummage sale and purchased an Aurora brand model kit called "Big Frankie". See the attached vintage advertisement.
It was about 20 inches high and almost 12 inches wide, nearly as big as I was. To me, it resembled a terrifying flat-headed child in enormous shoes. For a while it stood on the dresser by my crib and scared the be-who-whats-its our of me. So, it was inevitable it would invade mt dreams. About the same time, Dad acquired one of those floppy cardboard skeletons with brass rivets at all the joints. In my nightmare, Frankie did a creepy dance and he moved like that skeleton. I remember this pretty vividly.
On more than one one occasion, people have said "Wow, this explains a lot..."